IEEE Global Communications Conference
4–8 December 2023 // Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

WS09: Workshop on Enabling Security, Trust, and Privacy in 6G Wireless Systems

WS09: Workshop on Enabling Security, Trust, and Privacy in 6G Wireless Systems

The IEEE Globecom Workshop on Enabling Security, Trust, and Privacy in 6G Wireless Systems will take place on 4th December 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the workshop is to both foster and develop the ground-breaking technique to provide trustworthy and resilient wireless communications. In line with such objectives, original contributions are solicited in topics of interest to include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Physical layer security for 6G
  • Trust and trustworthiness in 6G
  • Secure signal processing
  • Information theoretic security
  • Security verification and performance metrics
  • Cross-layer security solutions
  • 5G/6G security (false base station attacks, sidelink security, integration of new services)
  • Zero-touch security solutions
  • Context-aware, semantic security
  • Covert wireless communications
  • Physical layer authentication and key agreement
  • Security and privacy of joint communications and sensing/integrated sensing and communication
  • Hardware security
  • Interplay between emerging technologies (intelligent reflecting surface, joint communication and sensing, AI) and their role towards trustworthy communication
  • Attack/defense modelling (active and jamming attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, etc.)
  • Post-Quantum security and cryptography
  • Security challenges for AI/ML technologies
  • Security of space information systems
  • Optical wireless technology for secure connectivity
  • Security mechanisms for zero-energy devices
  • Security-aware access control
  • AI-based security solutions for wireless systems
  • Prototype, practical testbeds, and performance evaluation
  • Security and privacy for IoTs, HetNets, massive MIMO systems, and mm-wave, THz transmission


Paper submission: 15 July 2023, 29 July 2023, 12 August 2023 (FIRM)

Acceptance notification: 1 September 2023, 15 September 2023

Camera-ready due: 1 October 2023


Please submit your paper through EDAS.


Arsenia (Ersi) Chorti is a Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA), Joint Head of the Information, Communications and Imaging (ICI) Group of the ETIS Lab UMR 8051, Leader of the Wireless Connectivity group of the Barkhausen Institut gGmbH and a Visiting Scholar at Princeton University. Her research spans the areas of wireless communications and wireless systems security for 5G and 6G, with a particular focus on physical layer security. Current research topics include: context aware security, multi-factor authentication protocols, 5G / 6G and IoT, anomaly detection, machine learning for communications, new multiple access techniques and scheduling. She is a Senior IEEE Member, member of the IEEE INGR on Security and is Chair of the IEEE Focus Group on Physical Layer Security. She has participated in the reduction of the ITU report M.2516-0 on Future technology trends of terrestrial International Mobile Telecommunications systems towards 2030 and beyond (sections on trustworthiness) and is a member of the ITU Working Group on the Metaverse.


We would like to thank the network of proposers of the COST Action CA22168 for their participation in organizing this Workshop.

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