Call for papers
IEEE Globecom 2023
3rd Workshop on Sustainable and Resilient Industrial Networks
4–8 December 2023 // Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Traditional networks facilitate data communication between devices and peripherals. With the evolution of devices and systems towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the hyper connectivity of everything, and cyber-physical systems (CPS), the characteristics of networks have undergone tremendous change. Industrial Networks are capable to handle data integrity and real-time control for large installations in harsh environments. Examples of Industrial Networks include ControlNet, Modbus, CC-LINK, DeviceNet, Ethernet, Profinet and so on. The Industrial Networks enable communication between devices and elements by forming a communication path among PCs, controllers, and field devices, which was difficult to do with traditional networks.
To achieve seamless operation between traditional IT enterprise networks and the OT industrial plant, industrial ethernet is used extensively to support automation of the processes. In this regard, Industrial Networks and automation go hand-in-hand to meet real-time operational needs. This is only possible if data packets are handled in a redundant and deterministic way. Given projections for connectivity growth, networks must be able to handle a massive number of devices, increased heterogeneity among those devices, and in turn support for a wide range of standards to enable interoperability and scale. Furthermore, factory systems because of their tight control loops and mission critical nature often require solutions with greater reliability, improved efficiency, and faster response times. These benefits could be achieved by designing for a multi-protocol environment to harmonize OT/IT, the adoption of softwarization, traffic engineering and management using cross-layer approach, and urging industries to take initiative for developing interoperable and deterministic protocols, and to consider environmentally sustainable solutions in energy and carbon usage. Because of Covid and the shift in the way we work and the locations from which we work, several challenges arise, such as analyzing data and monitoring activities remotely from home, thus, realizing the smart manufacturing process in the true sense. In addition, there are low power requirements, robust and resilient, communication needs, integration of next generation networks (NGNs), software-defined industrial systems design, realizing the communication between cobots will benefit range of applications such as Private 5G, Network Slicing, Automotive industries, and industrial robotics etc. Therefore, this workshop will seek technical, empirical, and conceptual papers that could offer practical and novel solutions concerning the following topics, but not strictly limited to:
- AI/ML/DL/FL/TL for Sustainable and Resilient Industrial Networks
- Virtualization techniques (Metaverse and Digital Twin) for Industrial Networks
- MEC framework for Industrial Networks
- Heterogeneous OpenRAN for Industrial networks
- Security and Privacy for Industrial Networks
- Congestion control techniques in improving user experience in Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, Edge Computing Networks
- Quality of Service (QoS) issues such as Dynamic Resource Allocation, Spectrum Allocation, Energy Efficiency
- Interoperability, heterogeneity, and bandwidth in congested networks
- Sustainable and Resilient Zero Touch Networks for Industrial Networks
- Network management using Network Slicing, SDN and NFV
- Computation offloading with advance AI frameworks
- Open standards for interoperability
- Secure Federation and Orchestration of Edge Devices for Industrial Networks
Workshop Schedule
- Paper submission: 15th July 2023
- Paper acceptance notification: 1st September 2023
- Camera ready: 1st October 2023
- Workshop date: 5th December 2023
Link for submission: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31206&track=119015